All Classes and Interfaces

Provides information about an advancement.
Array manipulation related methods
Represents an average double value consisting of a given number of previous values
Represents an average double value consisting of a given number of previous values
Biome related methods
BlockFace related methods
Tracks player placed blocks.
Block related methods
Represents the type of radius
A simple DataOutput implementation that counts the number of bytes written and discards the actual data
Represents the 16 cardinal directions (north, north north east, north east, east north east, ...)
Class related methods that do not have something to do with Reflection (see ReflUtils for that)
Collection related methods.
Command registration related methods
Some useful comparators
Sorts blocks by distance (nearest to farthest)
Sorts entities by distance (nearest to farthest)
Sorts locations by distance (nearest to farthest)
Represents a configuration that automatically loads the default values from the plugin's resources, if it exists.
Configuration file related methods
Represents an entity's navigation, movement, jump and look controls
A cooldown tracker for all kinds of objects.
Represents a cuboid region linked to a World
An extendable PathfinderGoal that can be used to create custom AI goals.
Represents an NMS pathfinder Goal that's used to execute a CustomGoal
Enchantment related methods
Entity related methods
EnumCache<E extends Enum<E>>
A simple Enum cache that caches the enum constants and size of the enum
Enum related methods
Experience related methods
File related methods
Geometry related methods
Represents the NMS GoalFlags
Represents an entity's goal selector
GUI related methods
Represents a position inside a GUI
Represents a hex color code
Represents a Hologram
Indicates that the annotated method or class is meant to be used by JeffLib internally only.
Gets thrown when a location definition inside a ConfigurationSection is invalid.
Inventory related methods
Provides a builder for ItemStacks
Provides methods to serialize and deserialize ItemStacks, ItemStack arrays and Inventories to/from byte arrays and/or base64
ItemStack related methods
Main class of the library, has to be initialized for certain methods to work.
Location related methods
Represents a pair of X,Z chunk coordinates
LootTable related methods
Material related methods
mcMMO related methods
Provides version comparing methods
Gets thrown when a plugin is not installed that is required by a specific API method
Sends messages to CommandSenders while applying color codes, gradients, placeholders and emojis
Internet and network related methodds
Indicates that the annotated method uses NMS and will only work in a supported Minecraft version after calling JeffLib.enableNMS()
Number parsing related methods
Packet sending related methods
Tuple of two values
Indicates that a method or class is only available on Paper or Paper forks
Data class to wrap all information needed to play a sound
Particle related methods
Represents an NMS pathfinder goal.
Utility methods to create some custom PathfinderGoals.
Represents the NMS PathNavigation of an entity
PersistentDataContainer related methods.
PlaceholderAPI related methods
Represents an event called when a player jumps.
Gets called when a player scrolls through their hotbar.
Represents the direction in which the player scrolled
Represents a polygon region linked to a World
Utility class for common protection checks.
Tuple of four values
Tuple of five values.
Provides a way to get a random position in a given radius around a given entity's location.
Random number related methods
Crafting recipe related methods
Reflection related methods
Replaces placeholders in a string
Indicates that the annotated method or class requires the given plugin to be installed
Represents a serialized entity that can be respawned later, keeping ALL NBT data
Factory for ServerListPingEvent, which is required for versions using chat preview
Server related methods
Represents the server's current life phase
Represents a Location like object.
Skull / Player head related methods
Data class to wrap all information needed to play a sound
Represents an entity's target selector
Shortcuts to schedule tasks
Indicates that the annotated method has been tested in the given MC versions
Methods related to color translation, placeholder and emoji application and more
Converts seconds, minutes or hours to their correseponding amount of ticks
Time related methods, like measuring time and converting nanoseconds to milliseconds, etc.
Represents a toast message (a message that is displayed at the top right of the screen).
Represents the type of announcement message that should be made
Represents the server's last TPS
Tuple of three values
Represents a list of elements with weights.
Word and language related methods, like capitalization or getting translation keys
Represents a region inside a World
WorldEdit related methods.
WorldGuard related methods.
World related methods