
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 
All Classes and Interfaces|All Packages|Constant Field Values|Serialized Form


ACACIA - Enum constant in enum class
add(double) - Method in class
Adds a new value to the average
add(double, E) - Method in class
add(int) - Method in class
Adds a new value to the average
add(WeightedRandomList.WeightedElement) - Method in class
addAfter(T[], T) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ArrayUtils
Appends an item to the given array
addAll(Collection<? extends WeightedRandomList.WeightedElement>) - Method in class
addGlowEffect(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Adds a glowing effect to the given item (doesn't work on all items)
addGlowEffect(ItemMeta) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Adds a glowing effect to the given item (doesn't work on all items)
addGoal(PathfinderGoal, int) - Method in class
Adds a PathfinderGoal to this mob's goal selector
addGoal(PathfinderGoal, int) - Method in class
Adds a PathfinderGoal to this mob's target selector
addOrDrop(Player, Iterable<ItemStack>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Adds all the given ItemStacks to the player's inventory, or drops them at the player's location
addOrDrop(Player, ItemStack...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Adds all the given ItemStacks to the player's inventory, or drops them at the player's location
addOrDrop(Player, Location, Iterable<ItemStack>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Adds all the given ItemStacks to the player's inventory, or drops them at the given location
addOrDrop(Player, Location, ItemStack...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Adds all the given ItemStacks to the player's inventory, or drops them at the given location
addTrackedBlockType(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Adds a new material to the block tracker
addTrackedBlockTypes(Collection<Material>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Adds new materials to the block tracker
ADVANCEMENT - Enum constant in enum class
Yellow, titled with "Advancement"
AdvancementInfo - Class in
Provides information about an advancement.
AdvancementInfo(Advancement) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance of AdvancementInfo.
affectsTopInventory(InventoryDragEvent) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Checks whether the given InventoryDragEvent also affects the top Inventory.
AIR - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents AIR and CAVE_AIR
ALLOW - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag.State
appendLines(File, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Appends the given line to the file
appendLines(File, String[]) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Appends the given lines to the file
appendLines(File, Collection<String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Appends the given lines to the file
apply(String) - Method in class
Applies all given placeholders
applyBook(EnchantmentStorageMeta, ItemStack, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Applies an enchanted book to an item.
applyGradient(String, HexColor, HexColor) - Static method in class
Applies a gradient to the given text.
ARMORSTAND - Enum constant in enum class
ArrayUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Array manipulation related methods
ArrayUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ArrayUtils
asBoolean() - Method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag.State
asList(Iterator<T>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
Creates a list from an iterator
asList(T...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
Creates a List of all given elements
asMap(ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ConfigUtils
Turns a ConfigurationSection into a Map<String,Object> (just like SnakeYAML)
asSet(T...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
AverageDouble - Class in
Represents an average double value consisting of a given number of previous values
AverageDouble(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that stores up to the given number of samples
AverageInt - Class in
Represents an average double value consisting of a given number of previous values
AverageInt(int) - Constructor for class
Creates a new instance that stores up to the given number of samples
avoidEntity(Creature, Predicate<LivingEntity>, float, double, double) - Static method in interface
Creates an Avoid entity goal, that will scare off the entity if the given Predicate matches.


banner(CharSequence) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Prints a banner / headline to console
BiomeUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Biome related methods
BiomeUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BiomeUtils
BIRCH - Enum constant in enum class
BlockByDistanceComparator(Block) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.BlockByDistanceComparator
BlockByDistanceComparator(Location) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.BlockByDistanceComparator
BlockFaceUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
BlockFace related methods
BlockFaceUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockFaceUtils
BlockTracker - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Tracks player placed blocks.
BlockTracker() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
BlockUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Block related methods
BlockUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
BlockUtils.Predicates - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Some predefined Block Predicates
BlockUtils.RadiusType - Enum Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Represents the type of radius
BOOKSHELF_OFFSETS - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Offsets of valid bookshelf locations from an enchantment table
build() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Returns the built ItemStack
buildString(String[], int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
Builds a String from the given args and starting point
BURNABLE - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all burnable blocks
ByteCounter - Class in
A simple DataOutput implementation that counts the number of bytes written and discards the actual data
ByteCounter() - Constructor for class


canBreak(Player, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
canBreak(Player, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
canBreak(Player, Location) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProtectionUtils
canBuild(Player, Location) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProtectionUtils
canContinueToUse() - Method in interface
Returns whether the goal can continue to be used
canEnchantItem(ItemStack) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
canInteract(Player, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
canInteract(Player, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
canPlace(Player, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
canPlace(Player, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
canUse() - Method in class
canUse() - Method in interface
Returns whether the goal can be used right now
CardinalDirection - Enum Class in
Represents the 16 cardinal directions (north, north north east, north east, east north east, ...)
castEntityList(Iterable<? extends Entity>, Class<? extends E>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Converts a list of Entities to a list of the desired Entity class.
CHALLENGE - Enum constant in enum class
Purple, titled with "Challenge"
chance(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomUtils
Returns true with a specific chance, otherwise false, with a range between 0 (always false) and 1 (always true)
chance100(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomUtils
Returns true with a specific chance, otherwise false, with a range between 0 (always false) and 100 (always true)
CHERRY - Enum constant in enum class
ChunkCoordinates(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates
chunkToWorldCoordinates(BlockVector, int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Turns a given BlockVector using chunk coordinates into a BlockVector using global coordinates
ClassUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Class related methods that do not have something to do with Reflection (see ReflUtils for that)
ClassUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
clear() - Method in class
clearOldEntries() - Method in class
Clears expired cooldown entries
clearTrackedBlockTypes() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Clears the list of tracked materials
CollectionUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Collection related methods.
CollectionUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
color(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces color codes using &.
com.jeff_media.jefflib - package com.jeff_media.jefflib
Main Library methods. Some methods require initialization first, see JeffLib.init(org.bukkit.plugin.Plugin) - package
Pathfinder goals related classes - package
Navigation related classes - package
Some data classes. - package
Classes for calculating averages using a round-robin like buffer - package
Contains Tuples (Pair, Triplet and Quartet) implementing Object.equals(Object), Object.hashCode() and Object.toString() - package
Contains "region"-like classes that are related to certain worlds - package
Events provided by JeffLib
com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions - package com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
Exceptions used by JeffLib
com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal - package com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal
Internal functionality.
com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations - package com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations
Internal annotations for JeffLib that are not meant to be used by other plugins, but contain useful information for the javadocs
com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment - package com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment
com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks - package com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
Contains classes related to interactions with other plugins.
com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard - package com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard
combine(T[]...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ArrayUtils
Combines the given arrays into a new array
CommandUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Command registration related methods
CommandUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils
CommandUtils.HelpStyle - Enum Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Comparators - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Some useful comparators
Comparators() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators
Comparators.BlockByDistanceComparator - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Sorts blocks by distance (nearest to farthest)
Comparators.EntityByDistanceComparator - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Sorts entities by distance (nearest to farthest)
Comparators.LocationByDistanceComparator - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Sorts locations by distance (nearest to farthest)
compare(Block, Block) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.BlockByDistanceComparator
compare(Entity, Entity) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.EntityByDistanceComparator
compare(Location, Location) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.LocationByDistanceComparator
compareTo(McVersion) - Method in class
compareTo(WeightedRandomList.WeightedElement) - Method in class
Config - Class in
Represents a configuration that automatically loads the default values from the plugin's resources, if it exists.
Config(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a new config with the given filename.
ConfigUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Configuration file related methods
ConfigUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ConfigUtils
ConflictingEnchantmentException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
ConflictingEnchantmentException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.ConflictingEnchantmentException
conflictsWith(Enchantment) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
contains(WeightedRandomList.WeightedElement) - Method in class
contains(E) - Method in class
contains(Location) - Method in class
contains(Location) - Method in class
Controls - Class in
Represents an entity's navigation, movement, jump and look controls
convertVectorToEulerAngle(Vector) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.VectorUtils
Cooldown - Class in
A cooldown tracker for all kinds of objects.
Cooldown() - Constructor for class
Creates a new cooldown tracker with the default precision (milliseconds)
Cooldown(TimeUnit) - Constructor for class
Creates a new cooldown tracker with the given precision
Cooldown(TimeUnit, LongSupplier) - Constructor for class
Creates a new cooldown tracker with the given precision and time supplier
copy(PersistentDataContainer, PersistentDataContainer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Copies all the data from the source PDC to the destination PDC.
countChar(String, char) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
countItemStacks(Inventory, ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Counts how many times the given ItemStack is present in the given inventory
countItemStacks(ItemStack[], ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Counts how many times the given ItemStack is present in the given array
countItemStacks(ItemStack[], Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Counts how many times the given Material is present in the given array
countMaterials(Inventory, Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Counts how many times the given Material is present in the given inventory
create() - Method in class
createArray(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ArrayUtils
Returns a new array of the given class type with length 0
createArray(Class<T>, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ArrayUtils
Returns a new array of the given class type with the given length
createPersistentDataContainer() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Creates a new PersistentDataContainer without needing any PersistentDataAdapterContext
createServerListPingEvent(String, InetAddress, String, boolean, int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.ServerListPingEventFactory
Creates a new ServerListPingEvent
CRIMSON - Enum constant in enum class
CUBOID - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.RadiusType
A cuboid radius, like a normal WorldEdit selection of X*X*X blocks
CuboidWorldBoundingBox - Class in
Represents a cuboid region linked to a World
CuboidWorldBoundingBox(World, BoundingBox) - Constructor for class
current() - Static method in class
Gets the currently running McVersion
CustomGoal - Class in
An extendable PathfinderGoal that can be used to create custom AI goals.
CustomGoal(Mob) - Constructor for class
CustomGoalExecutor - Interface in
Represents an NMS pathfinder Goal that's used to execute a CustomGoal


damageItem(int, ItemStack, Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Damages given ItemStack by specified amount
DARK_OAK - Enum constant in enum class
dateToString(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Converts a Unix Timestamp to a String
debug(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Prints debug text when debug mode is enabled
debug(InventoryClickEvent) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils.Events
DebugUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
DebugUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils
DebugUtils.Events - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
DebugUtils.NMSTest - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
DENY - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag.State
deserialize(String, PersistentDataContainer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Loads a String from PDCUtils.serialize(PersistentDataContainer) into a PersistentDataContainer, overwriting already existing keys of the same name
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
deserialize(Map<String, Object>) - Static method in class
DOWN - Enum constant in enum class
Represents scrolling down / to the left
downloadToStringList(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NetUtils
Downloads a URL and returns the response as String list.
downloadToStringListAsync(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NetUtils
Downloads a URL and returns the response as String list asynchronously.
drawHollowCube(Block, Block, Player, Particle, int, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleUtils
Returns a runnable that creates cube-formed particles
drawHollowCube(Location, Location, Player, Particle, int, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleUtils
Returns a runnable that creates cube-formed particles
drawHollowCube(World, BoundingBox, Player, Particle, int, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleUtils
Returns a runnable that creates cube-formed particles
dropExp(Location, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ExpUtils
Drops an experience orb at the given location with the given amount of experience


EAST - Enum constant in enum class
EAST_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class
EAST_SOUTH_EASE - Enum constant in enum class
EFFECTCLOUD - Enum constant in enum class
enableNMS() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Initializes NMS features.
EnchantmentUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Enchantment related methods
EnchantmentUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
endTimings(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Ends the time measurement and prints out the duration in human readable milliseconds
endTimings(String, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Ends the time measurement, and optionally prints out the duration in human readable milliseconds
endTimings(String, Plugin, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Ends the time measurement and optionally prints out the duration in human readable milliseconds
EntityByDistanceComparator(Entity) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.EntityByDistanceComparator
EntityByDistanceComparator(Location) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.EntityByDistanceComparator
EntityUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Entity related methods
EntityUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
EnumCache<E extends Enum<E>> - Class in
A simple Enum cache that caches the enum constants and size of the enum
EnumUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Enum related methods
EnumUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
EPSILON_D - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
EPSILON_F - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class
equals(Object) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag
ERROR_READING_DATA - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Magic value to identify "could not parse NBT data"
Events() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils.Events
exists(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Checks if a class exists
ExpiringConcurrentHashMap<K,V> - Class in
ExpiringConcurrentHashMap(long, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class
ExpUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Experience related methods
ExpUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ExpUtils


FileUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
File related methods
FileUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
format(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces Emojis, PlacederholderAPI placeholders and colors (see TextUtils.color(String))
format(String, OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces Emojis, PlacedeholderAPI placeholders and colors (see TextUtils.color(String))
format(List<String>, OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces Emojis, PlaceholderAPI placeholders and colors ({see TextUtils.color(String))
formatNanoseconds(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Formats nanoseconds to a human readable format in milliseconds with 4 decimal places
fromBase64(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Turns a Base64 String into an ItemStack
fromBoolean(boolean) - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag.State
fromBytes(byte[]) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Turns a byte array into an ItemStack
fromConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class
fromConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Parses Enchantments including levels from a ConfigurationSection.
fromConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Parses an ItemStack from a ConfigurationSection without applying any placeholder values.
fromConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection, String) - Static method in class
Parses a ConfigurationSection into a SoundData object.
fromConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleData
fromConfigurationSection(ConfigurationSection, HashMap<String, String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Parses an ItemStack from a ConfigurationSection and applies placeholders.
fromHours(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Ticks
Converts hours to ticks
fromIndex(int) - Static method in enum class
Converts an integer between 0 (inclusive) and 16 (inclusive) to its cardinal direction. 0 and 16 both return NORTH.
fromJson(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Turns a json-formatted String into an ItemStack
fromLocations(World, List<Location>) - Static method in class
fromLocations(World, Location...) - Static method in class
fromMaterial(Material) - Static method in enum class
fromMinutes(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Ticks
Converts minutes to ticks
fromSeconds(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Ticks
Converts seconds to ticks
fromVectors(World, List<Vector>) - Static method in class
fromVectors(World, Vector...) - Static method in class
fromYaw(double) - Static method in enum class
Converts a given yaw value to its cardinal direction


GeometryUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Geometry related methods
GeometryUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.GeometryUtils
get(ItemStack, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC
get(ItemStack, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC
get(NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Method in class
get(PersistentDataHolder, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC
get(PersistentDataHolder, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC
getAdapterContext() - Method in class
getAll(Inventory, ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Returns a map of all items from this inventory that match the given item.
getAllEntities() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Returns a collection of all entities from all worlds
getAverage() - Method in class
Gets the average of the stored values
getAverage() - Method in class
Gets the average of the stored values
getBase64Texture(SkullMeta) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Gets the base64 skin of the given SkullMeta
getBiomeNamespacedKey(Location) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BiomeUtils
Returns the proper NamespacedKey for the biome at the given location, e.g.
getBlockDataAsEntries(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Returns a list of entries containing all BlockData from a given block
getBlocks(World, BoundingBox, boolean, Predicate<BlockData>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Gets a list of all BlockVectors inside the given BoundingBox that match the given Predicate<BlockData>
getBlocksInRadius(Location, int, BlockUtils.RadiusType) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Gets all blocks in a given radius around a center location
getBlocksInRadius(Location, int, BlockUtils.RadiusType, Predicate<Block>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Gets all blocks in a given radius around a center location that matches the given Predicate (see also BlockUtils.Predicates
getBlockTranslationKey(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Get the translation key of the block associated with this material.
getBlue() - Method in class
Returns the Blue color component value
getBukkitEntity() - Method in class
getBukkitEntity() - Method in interface
Gets the Bukkit entity associated with this goal
getByName(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Gets an enchant by name (case-insensitive), e.g.
getCenter(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Returns the center location of a block
getCenter(Vector, Vector) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.VectorUtils
getChunkCoordinates(int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Returns a LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates object for the given x and z coordinates
getChunkCoordinates(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Returns a LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates object for the given location
getChunks(World, BoundingBox, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Gets all Chunks that are inside or intersect the given BoundingBox
getChunkSnapshots(World, BoundingBox, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Gets all ChunkSnapshots that are inside or intersect the given BoundingBox
getClass(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a class
getClosestOtherPlayer(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets the closest other player in this world, or null if there is no other player
getClosestPlayer(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets the closest player in this world, or null if there is no player
getClosestPlayer(Entity) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets the closest player in this world, or null if there is no player
getClosestPlayer(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets the closest player in this world, or null if there is no player, or if the world isn't loaded
getCommandMap() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils
Gets the CommandMap
getConfig(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ConfigUtils
Loads a custom config file like the builtin config.
getConstructor(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a no-args constructor of a class, or null if not found
getConstructor(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a constructor with parameters, or null if not found
getControls() - Method in class
getControls() - Method in interface
Returns the Controls associated with this goal's entity
getControls(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets this mob's Controls
getCooldownEnd(Object) - Method in class
Gets when the cooldown for this object expires, or 0 if there is no cooldown or if it has expired.
getCooldownRemaining(Object, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Gets the remaining duration until the cooldown for this object requires, in the given TimeUnit, or 0 if there is no cooldown for this object or if it has exipred.
getCoordinatesInsideChunk(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Converts a location to a Vector containing the location's coordinates inside the chunk (rounded to int values)
getCuboidSelection(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditHandler
getCurrentClass() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
getCurrentClass(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
getCurrentClassFileName() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Returns the current class file name from which this method was called from
getCurrentClassFileName(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
getCurrentClassName() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
getCurrentClassName(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Returns the current class name from which this method was called from
getCurrentLineNumber() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
getCurrentLineNumber(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Returns the current line number from which this method was called from
getCurrentMethodName() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
getCurrentMethodName(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Returns the current method name from which this method was called from
getCurrentTick() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Returns the current tick count, or -1 if the server is still starting up, or -2 if we couldn't get the current tick count.
getDataType(PersistentDataContainer, NamespacedKey) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets the proper primitive PersistentDataType for the given NamespacedKey in the given PersistentDataContainer
getDefaultWorld() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WorldUtils
Gets the default world
getDefaultWorldName() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WorldUtils
Gets the default world name
getDouble(double, double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomUtils
Returns a double between (inclusive) and (exclusive)
getEffectiveMotd() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets the effective MOTD (after plugins might have changed it)
getElement() - Method in class
Returns the element
getEntities(Class<T>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Returns a collection of all entities of the given class, from all worlds
getEntities(Block, Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets all entities inside and
getEntities(Block, Block, Class<? extends Entity>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets all entities inside and that extend
getEntities(Block, Block, EntityType) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets all entities inside min and max that belong to the given EntityType
getEntityById(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets an entity by its Entity ID
getEntityType() - Method in class
Returns the original entity's EntityType
getEnumClass() - Method in class
getEnumConstants() - Method in class
Returns an unmodifiable list of the enum constants
getEnumsFromList(Class<E>, List<String>, Collector<? super E, ?, C>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets a Collection of the given Enum constants by their names.
getEnumsFromListAsEnumSet(Class<E>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets an EnumSet of the given Enum constants by their names.
getEnumsFromListAsSet(Class<E>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets a Set of the given Enum constants by their names.
getEnumsFromRegexList(Class<E>, List<String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets an EnumSet of the given Enum constants by a list of regex patterns.
getExecutor() - Method in class
Returns the CustomGoalExecutor associated with this goal
getField(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets an object's field, or null if not found
getFieldValue(Class<?>, String, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a field's value
getFifth() - Method in class
getFile() - Method in class
Returns the player's data .dat file
getFile(String...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Gets a file in the data folder
getFirst() - Method in class
getFourth() - Method in class
getGenitiveSuffix(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
Returns the correct English genitive suffix for the given word.
getGoalFlags() - Method in class
getGoalFlags() - Method in interface
Gets the goal flags of this goal's executor
getGoalSelector(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets this mob's GoalSelector
getGreen() - Method in class
Returns the Green color component value
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlerList() - Static method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHandlers() - Method in class
getHead(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Gets a head with the given base64 skin
getHead(UUID) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Gets a head with the skin of the given UUID
getHead(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Gets a head with the skin of the given OfflinePlayer
getHexAtPositionInGradient(HexColor, HexColor, int, int) - Static method in class
Returns the HexColor for a given gradient at the given position
getHollowCube(Location, Location, double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.GeometryUtils
Gets a set of all Locations in a specific distance describing a hollow cube around two locations
getIfPresent(Class<E>, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets an Optional of a given Enum by its name
getInt(int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomUtils
Returns an int between (inclusive) and (exclusive)
getIp() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NetUtils
Returns the public IP address of the server, or null if it couldn't find it out.
getItemStack() - Method in class
getItemTarget() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
getItemTranslationKey(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Get the translation key of the item associated with this material.
getJsonName() - Method in enum class
getJumpController() - Method in class
getJumpController() - Method in interface
Returns the JumpController associated with this goal's entity
getJumpController() - Method in class
Gets this mob's JumpController
getJumpController(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets this mob's JumpController
getKey(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Creates a NamespacedKey or returns a cached one.
getKeyFromString(String, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Creates a NamespacedKey from a String.
getKeys() - Method in class
getKeys(ItemStack) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Returns a Set of all the NamespacedKeys the holder's PDC contains
getKeys(PersistentDataHolder) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Returns a Set of all the NamespacedKeys the holder's PDC contains
getLast15Minute() - Method in class
Gets the average TPS during the last 15 minutes
getLast1Minute() - Method in class
Gets the average TPS during the last minute
getLast5Minute() - Method in class
Gets the average TPS during the last 5 minutes
getLevel(ItemStack, Enchantment) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Returns the level of an enchantment on the given item, or 0 if it's not enchanted with this enchantment
getLifePhase() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Returns the server's current life phase - when you call this in onEnable or onDisable, and it returns RUNNING, it means the server is reloading.
getLocationFromSection(ConfigurationSection, World) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Gets a Location from a ConfigurationSection.
getLogger() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Gets a logger, if possible the plugin's logger, otherwise the Bukkit logger.
getLookController() - Method in class
getLookController() - Method in interface
Returns the LookController associated with this goal's entity
getLookController() - Method in class
Gets this mob's LookController
getLookController(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets this mob's LookController
getLootContext(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getLootContext(Player, Entity, Float, Integer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getLowestBlockAt(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Returns the lowest non-air block at a given location
getLowestBlockAt(World, int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Returns the lowest non-air block at a given position
getMajor() - Method in class
Gets the "major" part of this McVersion.
getMaxDistanceToWaypoint() - Method in interface
Only available in 1.17 and later
getMaxLevel() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
getMethod(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a method without parameters
getMethod(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a method with parameters, or null if not found
getMinecraftNamespacedName(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Returns the "vanilla namespaced" name for this material, e.g.
getMinor() - Method in class
Gets the "minor" part of this McVersion.
getMoveController() - Method in class
getMoveController() - Method in interface
Returns the MoveController associated with this goal's entity
getMoveController() - Method in class
Gets this mob's MoveController
getMoveController(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets this mob's MoveController
getMovementSpeed(LivingEntity) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets the generic movement speed of an entity
getName() - Method in class
getName() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
getNavigation() - Method in class
getNavigation() - Method in interface
Returns the PathNavigation associated with this goal's entity
getNavigation() - Method in class
Gets this mob's PathNavigation
getNavigation(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Get this mob's PathNavigation
getNbtData() - Method in class
Returns the original entity's NBT data as String
getNextElement(E) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets the next element of the given enum class by its ordinal.
getNiceMaterialName(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Turns Material names into a nicer name.
getNiceName(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
Converts a given String into a human-readable String, by replacing underscores with spaces, and making all words Uppercase.
getNiceName(NamespacedKey) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
Converts a NamespacedKey into a human-readable name, ignoring the namespace.
getNMSVersion() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets the NMS version String as used in the package name, e.g.
getNonNullItems(ItemStack...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Returns an array of all given ItemStacks that are neither null nor AIR
getNumberOfEnchantmentTableBookShelves(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Returns the number of valid (usable) bookshelves around the given enchantment table position.
getOBCClass(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets a class from org.bukkit.craftbukkit
getOfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer(UUID) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Returns an OfflinePlayer's PersistentDataContainerImportant: When doing changes to the PDC, you must call or OfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer.saveAsync() to save the changes.
getOfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Returns an OfflinePlayer's PersistentDataContainerImportant: When doing changes to the PDC, you must call or OfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer.saveAsync() to save the changes.
getOppositeOfBisected(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockFaceUtils
Gets the "other part" of this bisected block.
getOrDefault(ItemStack, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC or the default value when the key is not set
getOrDefault(ItemStack, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC or the default value when the key is not set
getOrDefault(NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Method in class
getOrDefault(PersistentDataHolder, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC or the default value when the key is not set
getOrDefault(PersistentDataHolder, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Gets a value from the holder's PDC or the default value when the key is not set
getPatch() - Method in class
Gets the "patch" part of this McVersion.
getPlacedAgainstFace(Block, Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockFaceUtils
Gets the BlockFace of the existing block that must have been right-clicked to place the new Block
getPlayerDataFile(UUID) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProfileUtils
Returns the player's data (.dat) file
getPlayerPlacedBlocks(Chunk) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Gets a collection of all blocks that have been placed by players inside a chunk
getPlugin() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Returns the Plugin instance that initialized JeffLib.
getPolygonSelection(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditHandler
getPolygonSelection(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditUtils
getPos(Creature, int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomPos
Gets a random position.
getPosAway(Creature, int, int, Vector) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomPos
Gets a random position.
getPosTowards(Creature, int, int, Vector, double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomPos
Gets a random position.
getPrecision() - Method in class
Gets the precicion of this cooldown tracker
getRandom() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Returns the Random instance.
getRandomElement() - Method in class
getRandomElement(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Gets a random value of the given Enum class.
getRandomEntry(Collection<T>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
Gets a random element from a collection
getRandomEnumElement(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomUtils
getRandomKey() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Generates a random NamespacedKey
getRandomLoot(Player, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, String, LootContext) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, LootTable) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, LootTable, LootContext) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, LootTables) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, LootTables, LootContext) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, NamespacedKey) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRandomLoot(Player, NamespacedKey, LootContext) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils
getRecipe(ConfigurationSection, NamespacedKey, ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RecipeUtils
Parses a crafting recipe from a configuration section (see examples/RecipeUtils_getRecipe.yml)
getRed() - Method in class
Returns the Red color component value
getRegionsAtLocation(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
getRegionsAtLocation(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
Gets a collection of all region names at a specific location
getSecond() - Method in class
getSelection(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditUtils
Returns a WorldBoundingBox of the player's WorldEdit selection, or null if the player doesn't have any or only an incomplete selection.
getServerFolder() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets the server's working directory
getShortName() - Method in enum class
Gets the abbreviated direction name, e.g.
getSize() - Method in class
Returns the size of the enum
getSizeInBytes(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Gets the size of an ItemStack's NBT data, or ItemStackUtils.NO_DATA if it doesn't have any, or ItemStackUtils.ERROR_READING_DATA if the data couldn't be parsed
getSpeedModifier() - Method in interface
getStartLevel() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
getSuperAbilityBoostedOriginalLevel(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.McMMOUtils
getSupportingBlock(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockFaceUtils
Gets the block another block (e.g. a ladder) is attached to
getTargetPos() - Method in interface
Returns the entity's current target location
getTargetSelector(Mob) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets this mob's TargetSelector
getThird() - Method in class
getThreadLocalRandom() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Returns the ThreadLocalRandom instance.
getTotalXPRequiredForLevel(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ExpUtils
Gets the total amount of XP required to achieve a certain level when starting from 0 levels
getTps() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets the server's last TPS
getTrackedBlockTypes() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Gets a collection containing all tracked materials
getTranslatedMaterialMap(File) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Reads Minecraft's client translation files into a map
getTranslationKey(EntityType) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Gets the translation key associated with this EntityType
getTranslationKey(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Get the translation key of the item or block associated with this material.
getUTFLength(String) - Static method in class
getUUIDFromString(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProfileUtils
Turns a String into a UUID, whether it contains dashes or not.
getValues(Class<E>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnumUtils
Returns all elements of the given enum class.
getWantedX() - Method in interface
getWantedX() - Method in interface
getWantedY() - Method in interface
getWantedY() - Method in interface
getWantedZ() - Method in interface
getWantedZ() - Method in interface
getWeight() - Method in class
Returns the weight of the element
getWorld() - Method in class
getWorldList(ConfigurationSection, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
Returns a list of all loaded Worlds from a config's String list.
getWorldMinHeight(World) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WorldUtils
Gets the lowest possible building height for a world.
getX() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates
getXpLeftUntilNextLevel(int, float) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ExpUtils
Gets the amount of XP required to reach the next level from the current level and progress
getXpLeftUntilNextLevel(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ExpUtils
Gets the amount of XP required to reach the next level from the current level and progress
getXPRequiredForNextLevel(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ExpUtils
Gets the total amount of XP required to reach currentLevel+1 from currentLevel
getZ() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates
GLOW_ENCHANTMENT_KEY - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.GlowEnchantmentFactory
GlowEnchantmentFactory - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment
GlowEnchantmentFactory() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.GlowEnchantmentFactory
GOAL - Enum constant in enum class
Yellow, titled with "Goal"
GoalFlag - Enum Class in
Represents the NMS GoalFlags
GoalSelector - Class in
Represents an entity's goal selector
GoalSelector(Mob) - Constructor for class
GRAVITY - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all blocks affected by gravity
GUIUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
GUI related methods
GUIUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.GUIUtils
GUIUtils.MenuPosition - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Represents a position inside a GUI


has(ItemStack, String) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(ItemStack, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(ItemStack, NamespacedKey) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(ItemStack, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(NamespacedKey) - Method in class
has(NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Method in class
has(PersistentDataHolder, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(PersistentDataHolder, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(PersistentDataHolder, NamespacedKey) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
has(PersistentDataHolder, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC contains a key
hasCooldown(Object) - Method in class
Gets whether this object is on cooldown
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class
hashCode() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag
hasTranslationKeyProvider() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
hasVersionInNmsPackageName() - Method in class
hasWanted() - Method in interface
HexColor - Class in
Represents a hex color code
HexColor(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
Creates a HexColor with the given RGB value
HexColor(String) - Constructor for class
Creates a HexColor from a String in the format "rrggbb" (e.g. 00ff00)
HexColor(String, String, String) - Constructor for class
Creates a HexColor from three separate hex color Strings
Hologram - Class in
Represents a Hologram
Hologram(Hologram.Type) - Constructor for class
Hologram.Type - Enum Class in


init(Plugin) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Initializes JeffLib.
INTERACTABLE - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all interactable blocks
Internal - Annotation Interface in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations
Indicates that the annotated method or class is meant to be used by JeffLib internally only.
InvalidBlockDataException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
InvalidBlockDataException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.InvalidBlockDataException
InvalidLocationDefinitionException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
Gets thrown when a location definition inside a ConfigurationSection is invalid.
InvalidLocationDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.InvalidLocationDefinitionException
InvalidRecipeException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
InvalidRecipeException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.InvalidRecipeException
InvalidRegionDefinitionException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
InvalidRegionDefinitionException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.InvalidRegionDefinitionException
inventoryFromBase64(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
A method to get an Inventory from an encoded, Base64, string.
InventoryUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Inventory related methods
InventoryUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
isAtLeast(int, int) - Method in class
isAtLeast(int, int, int) - Method in class
isAtLeast(McVersion) - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isCancelled() - Method in class
isChunkGenerated(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Returns whether a chunk at a given location has been generated (without generating it)
isChunkLoaded(Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Returns whether a chunk at a given location is loaded (without loading it)
isClassCached(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets whether a class is already cached
isConstructorCached(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets if the no-args constructor is already cached
isConstructorCached(Class<?>, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets if the constructor with parameters is already cached
isCursed() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
isDone() - Method in interface
Gets whether the entity arrived at the target location
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty() - Method in class
isEmpty(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC is empty
isEmpty(PersistentDataHolder) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Checks whether the holder's PDC is empty
isEqual(double, double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
isEqual(float, float) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
isFieldCached(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets whether a field is already cached
isFungus(WoodType) - Method in enum class
isInbetweenInclusive(int, int, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
isInProgress() - Method in interface
Gets whether the entity is still walking to its target location
isInsideRegion(Location, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
Checks whether a location is inside a region of the given name/id
isInstalledAndEnabled(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PluginUtils
Checks whether a plugin is installed and enabled
isInteger(String) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if a given String is an Integer.
isInterruptable() - Method in interface
Returns whether this goal is interruptable.
isLookingAtTarget() - Method in interface
isMethodCached(Class<?>, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets whether a method is already cached
isMethodCached(Class<?>, String, Class<?>...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Gets whether a method with parameters is already cached
isNullOrEmpty(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Checks if an ItemStack is null or empty (empty = amount of 0 or if the type is air)
isPlayerPlacedBlock(Block) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Checks whether a given block has been placed by a player
isRunningForge() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets whether this server is running something that supports or claims to support Forge
isRunningMockBukkit() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets whether this server is running MockBukkit
isRunningPaper() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets whether this server is running Paper or a fork of Paper.
isRunningSpigot() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
Gets whether this server is running Spigot or a fork of Spigot.
isSlimefunBackpack(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.SlimefunUtils
isStableDestination(BlockVector) - Method in interface
Checks whether the given location is a "stable destination"
isStuck() - Method in interface
Only available in 1.16.2 and later
isSuperAbilityBoosted(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.McMMOUtils
isTrackedBlockType(Material) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Checks whether a given material is already one of the tracked block types.
isTreasure() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
isValidAccountName(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProfileUtils
isValidUUID(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProfileUtils
isWorldEditInstalled() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditUtils
Checks whether WorldEdit is installed and enabled
isWorldGuardInstalled() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
Checks whether WorldGuard is installed and enabled
isZero(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to zero
isZero(float) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to zero
isZero(Number) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to zero
isZeroOrNegative(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to or lower than zero
isZeroOrNegative(float) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to or lower than zero
isZeroOrNegative(Number) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to or lower than zero
isZeroOrPositive(double) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to or higher than zero
isZeroOrPositive(float) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to or higher than zero
isZeroOrPositive(Number) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Checks if the given number is close to or higher than zero
ItemBuilder - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Provides a builder for ItemStacks
ItemBuilder(Material) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Creates a new ItemBuilder with the given material and an amount of 1
ItemBuilder(Material, int) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Creates a new ItemBuilder with the given material and amount
itemStackArrayFromBase64(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Gets an array of ItemStacks from Base64 string.
itemStackArrayToBase64(ItemStack[]) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
A method to serialize an ItemStack array to Base64 String.
ItemStackSerializer - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Provides methods to serialize and deserialize ItemStacks, ItemStack arrays and Inventories to/from byte arrays and/or base64
ItemStackSerializer() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
ItemStackUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
ItemStack related methods
ItemStackUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
iterator() - Method in class
iterator() - Method in class


JeffLib - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Main class of the library, has to be initialized for certain methods to work.
JeffLib() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
JeffLib.KitchenSink - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
JeffLibNotRelocatedException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
JeffLibNotRelocatedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.JeffLibNotRelocatedException
jump() - Method in interface
JUMP - Enum constant in enum class
JumpController - Interface in
JUMPING - Enum constant in enum class
JUNGLE - Enum constant in enum class


KitchenSink() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib.KitchenSink


later(Runnable, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules a synced task to run at the given delay (in ticks)
later(Consumer<BukkitTask>, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules a synced task to run at the given delay (in ticks)
laterAsync(Runnable, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules an async task to run at the given delay (in ticks)
laterAsync(Consumer<BukkitTask>, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules an async task to run at the given delay (in ticks)
listAllClasses() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Returns a list of all classes included in the plugin's jar file.
listAllClasses(Class<?>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ClassUtils
Returns a list of all classes included in the plugin's jar file that provides the given class.
listIterator() - Method in class
LocationByDistanceComparator(Location) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Comparators.LocationByDistanceComparator
LocationUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Location related methods
LocationUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Represents a pair of X,Z chunk coordinates
LOOK - Enum constant in enum class
lookAt(Location, Location) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.VectorUtils
Returns a location at the same coordinates as origin, looking exactly towards the given destination
LookController - Interface in
LootEntry - Class in
LootEntry() - Constructor for class
LootUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
LootTable related methods
LootUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LootUtils


makeUnstackable(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Makes an item unstackable by adding a random UUID to the item's "prevent-stacking" PDC tag
MANGROVE - Enum constant in enum class
MaterialUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Material related methods
MaterialUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
McMMOUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
mcMMO related methods
McMMOUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.McMMOUtils
McVersion - Class in
Provides version comparing methods
McVersion(int, int) - Constructor for class
McVersion(int, int, int) - Constructor for class
MenuPosition(int, int) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.GUIUtils.MenuPosition
mergeItemStacks(ItemStack...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Merges ItemStacks when possible
MILLISECONDS_PER_TICK - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
milliSecondsToTickPercentage(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Converts an amount of milliseconds to tick percentage.
MissingPluginException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
Gets thrown when a plugin is not installed that is required by a specific API method
MissingPluginException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.MissingPluginException
mob - Variable in class
MOVE - Enum constant in enum class
MOVE_TO - Enum constant in enum class
MoveController - Interface in
MoveController.Operation - Enum Class in
moveTo(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface
Makes the entity move to the specified location
moveTo(Entity, double) - Method in interface
Makes the entity move to the specified location
moveTo(Location, double) - Method in interface
Makes the entity move to the specified location
moveTo(BlockVector, double) - Method in interface
Makes the entity move to the specified location
moveToBlock(Creature, Predicate<Block>, double, int, int) - Static method in interface
Creates a Move to block goal that will make the entity move towards/stay at certain blocks
moveToBlock(Creature, Set<Material>, double, int, int) - Static method in interface
Creates a Move to block goal that will make the entity move towards/stay at certain blocks
Msg - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Sends messages to CommandSenders while applying color codes, gradients, placeholders and emojis
Msg() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Msg


nanoSecondsToMilliSeconds(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds
nanoSecondsToMilliSecondsDouble(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Converts nanoseconds to milliseconds, returning a double value
NetUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Internet and network related methodds
NetUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NetUtils
NEW_LINE - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils.HelpStyle
Sends command name and command description on two separate lines, including a spacing line.
nextTick(Runnable) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules a synced task to run next tick
nextTick(Consumer<BukkitTask>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules a synced task to run next tick
nextTickAsync(Runnable) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules an async task to run next tick
nextTickAsync(Consumer<BukkitTask>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules an async task to run next tick
NMS - Annotation Interface in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations
Indicates that the annotated method uses NMS and will only work in a supported Minecraft version after calling JeffLib.enableNMS()
NMSNotSupportedException - Exception in com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions
NMSNotSupportedException() - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.NMSNotSupportedException
NMSNotSupportedException(String) - Constructor for exception com.jeff_media.jefflib.exceptions.NMSNotSupportedException
NMSReflUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal
NMSReflUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.NMSReflUtils
NMSTest(Player) - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils.NMSTest
NO_DATA - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Magic value to identify "no NBT data"
NO_GRAVITY - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all blocks not affected by gravity
NORTH - Enum constant in enum class
NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class
NORTH_NORTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class
NORTH_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class
NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class
NOT_AIR - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all blocks except AIR and CAVE_AIR
NOT_BURNABLE - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all non-burnable blocks
NOT_INTERACTABLE - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all non-interactable blocks
NOT_OCCLUDING - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all non-occluding blocks
NOT_SOLID - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all non-solid blocks
NumberUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Number parsing related methods
NumberUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils


OAK - Enum constant in enum class
OCCLUDING - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all occluding blocks
of(A, B) - Static method in class
of(A, B, C) - Static method in class
of(A, B, C, D) - Static method in class
of(A, B, C, D, E) - Static method in class
of(MoveController, JumpController, LookController, PathNavigation) - Static method in class
of(Class<E>) - Static method in class
Creates a new or returns the cached EnumCache for the given enum class
of(UUID) - Static method in class
Returns an OfflinePlayer's PersistentDataContainerImportant: When doing changes to the PDC, you must call or OfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer.saveAsync() to save the changes.
of(Entity) - Static method in class
Creates a new SerializedEntity from the given entity
of(Mob) - Static method in class
Gets this mob's goal selector
of(Mob) - Static method in class
Gets this mob's target selector
of(Mob) - Static method in class
Gets this mob's controls
of(OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class
Returns an OfflinePlayer's PersistentDataContainerImportant: When doing changes to the PDC, you must call or OfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer.saveAsync() to save the changes.
OfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer - Class in
OfflinePlayerPersistentDataContainer(PersistentDataContainer, File, Object) - Constructor for class
onJump(PlayerStatisticIncrementEvent) - Method in class


PacketUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Packet sending related methods
PacketUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PacketUtils
Pair<A,B> - Class in
Tuple of two values
Pair(A, B) - Constructor for class
Paper - Annotation Interface in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations
Indicates that a method or class is only available on Paper or Paper forks
parseInteger(String) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.NumberUtils
Returns the given String as Integer, or null if it isn't an Integer.
ParticleData - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Data class to wrap all information needed to play a sound
ParticleData() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleData
ParticleUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Particle related methods
ParticleUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleUtils
PathfinderGoal - Interface in
Represents an NMS pathfinder goal.
PathfinderGoals - Interface in
Utility methods to create some custom PathfinderGoals.
PathNavigation - Interface in
Represents the NMS PathNavigation of an entity
PDCUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
PersistentDataContainer related methods.
PDCUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
PlaceholderAPIHandler - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
PlaceholderAPI related methods
PlaceholderAPIHandler() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.PlaceholderAPIHandler
PlaceholderAPIUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
PlaceholderAPIUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.PlaceholderAPIUtils
playComposterFillParticlesAndSound(Block, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils
Plays the "composter fill" particle animation and optionally plays the sound if the composter has been filled successfully
playerInventoryToBase64(PlayerInventory) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Converts the player inventory to a String array of Base64 strings.
PlayerJumpEvent - Class in
Represents an event called when a player jumps.
PlayerJumpEvent(Player, Location, Location) - Constructor for class
PlayerJumpEvent.SpigotListener - Class in
PlayerScrollEvent - Class in
Gets called when a player scrolls through their hotbar.
PlayerScrollEvent(Player, PlayerScrollEvent.ScrollDirection) - Constructor for class
PlayerScrollEvent.ScrollDirection - Enum Class in
Represents the direction in which the player scrolled
playToPlayer(Player) - Method in class
Plays the sound only to the given player
playToPlayer(Player, Location) - Method in class
Plays the sound only to the given player, at the given location
playToPlayer(Player, Location) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleData
playTotemAnimation(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Plays the totem of undying animation to a given player.
playTotemAnimation(Player, Integer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Plays the totem of undying animation to a given player using the provided custom model data.
playToWorld(Location) - Method in class
Plays the sound to all players in the world, at the given location
playToWorld(Location) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ParticleData
PluginUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
PluginUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PluginUtils
PolygonWorldBoundingBox - Class in
Represents a polygon region linked to a World
positionToSlot(GUIUtils.MenuPosition) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.GUIUtils
Converts a GUIUtils.MenuPosition to a slot number
Predicates() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
PRIMITIVE_DATA_TYPES - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
An array of all primitive PersistentDataTypes builtin to Bukkit.
print(Collection<?>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils
print(Map<?, ?>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils
Prints a Map's content to console.
print(ItemStack[]) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils
ProfileUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
ProfileUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProfileUtils
ProtectionUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Utility class for common protection checks.
ProtectionUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ProtectionUtils
put(String, String) - Method in class
Adds a new placeholder


Quartet<A,B,C,D> - Class in
Tuple of four values
Quartet(A, B, C, D) - Constructor for class
Quintet<A,B,C,D,E> - Class in
Tuple of five values.
Quintet(A, B, C, D, E) - Constructor for class


RandomPos - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Provides a way to get a random position in a given radius around a given entity's location.
RandomPos() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomPos
RandomUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Random number related methods
RandomUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RandomUtils
readFileFromResources(Plugin, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Reads a file from the resources directory and returns it as List of Strings
readFromBytes(byte[], boolean) - Method in class
RecipeUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Crafting recipe related methods
RecipeUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.RecipeUtils
recomputePath() - Method in interface
Recomputes the current path
reduceItem(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
ReflUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Reflection related methods
ReflUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
register() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.GlowEnchantmentFactory
register(String, Function<OfflinePlayer, String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.PlaceholderAPIHandler
register(String, Function<OfflinePlayer, String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.PlaceholderAPIUtils
register(BiFunction<OfflinePlayer, String, String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.PlaceholderAPIHandler
register(BiFunction<OfflinePlayer, String, String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.PlaceholderAPIUtils
registerBlockTracker() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Registers the listeners needed to track blocks using BlockTracker.
registerCommand(String, String...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils
Registers a new command
registerEnchantment(Enchantment) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EnchantmentUtils
Registers a custom enchantment.
registerListener() - Static method in class
Registers the listener needed to call this event
registerPlayerJumpEvent() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Registers the listener needed to call the PlayerJumpEvent
registerPlayerScrollEvent() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Registers the listeners needed to call the PlayerScrollEvent
registerStateFlag(String, StateFlag.State) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
registerStateFlag(String, StateFlag.State) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
reload() - Method in class
Reloads the configuration
remove(double, E) - Method in class
remove(WeightedRandomList.WeightedElement) - Method in class
remove(E) - Method in class
remove(ItemStack, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Removes a key from the holder's PDC
remove(ItemStack, NamespacedKey) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Removes a key from the holder's PDC
remove(NamespacedKey) - Method in class
remove(PersistentDataHolder, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Removes a key from the holder's PDC
remove(PersistentDataHolder, NamespacedKey) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Removes a key from the holder's PDC
removeAllGoals() - Method in class
Removes all PathfinderGoals from this mob's goal selector
removeAllGoals() - Method in class
Removes all PathfinderGoals from this mob's target selector
removeAtIndex(T[], int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ArrayUtils
Removes an item from the array at a given location, returning the remaining array
removeCooldown(Object) - Method in class
removeGoal(PathfinderGoal) - Method in class
Removes a PathfinderGoal from this mob's goal selector
removeGoal(PathfinderGoal) - Method in class
Removes a PathfinderGoal from this mob's target selector
removeSuperAbilityBoost(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.McMMOUtils
removeTrackedBlockTypes(Collection<Material>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Removes all given block types from the list of tracked block types
removeX(Inventory, ItemStack, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Removes the given number of ItemStacks that match the given item from the inventory
removeX(Inventory, Material, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.InventoryUtils
Removes the given number of ItemStacks that match the given material from the inventory
repeat(Runnable, long, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules a synced repeating task
repeat(Consumer<BukkitTask>, long, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules a synced repeating task
repeatAsync(Runnable, long, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules an async repeating task
repeatAsync(Consumer<BukkitTask>, long, long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
Schedules an async repeating task
replaceEmojis(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces ItemsAdder emojis inside the given text when ItemsAdder is installed
replaceInString(String, String...) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces placeholders in a String.
replaceInString(String, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces placeholders in a String.
replaceInString(List<String>, String...) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces placeholders in a list of Strings.
replaceInString(List<String>, Map<String, String>) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces placeholders in a list of Strings.
replacePlaceholders(String, OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
Replaces PlacerholderAPI placeholders inside the given text, when PlaceholderAPI is installed
Replacer - Class in
Replaces placeholders in a string
Replacer() - Constructor for class
replaceStringsInFile(File, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Replaces strings in a file line by line.
RequiresPlugin - Annotation Interface in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations
Indicates that the annotated method or class requires the given plugin to be installed
requiresUpdateEveryTick() - Method in interface
Returns whether this goal requires updates every tick.
respawnPlayer(Player) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.EntityUtils
Respawns a player.
RUNNING - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase


SAME_LINE_COMPACT - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils.HelpStyle
Sends command name and command description in one line.
SAME_LINE_SPACED - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils.HelpStyle
Sends command name and command description in one line, including a spacing line.
save() - Method in class
Saves the configuration under its original file name
save() - Method in class
Saves the data to the player's file.
saveAsync() - Method in class
Saves the data to the player's file.
saveResourceIfNotExists(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Saves a resource to the data folder if it doesn't already exist.
secondsToDDHHMMSS(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Converts seconds to Days, Hours, Minutes, Seconds
secondsToHHMMSS(long) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Converts seconds to Hours, Minutes, Seconds
send(CommandSender, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Msg
Sends a message to the given CommandSender, translating all placeholders / color codes.
send(CommandSender, String, OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Msg
Sends a message to the given CommandSender, translating all placeholders / color codes
send(Player) - Method in class
send(Player...) - Method in class
sendHelpMessage(CommandSender, CommandUtils.HelpStyle, String...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils
Sends a help message with the given commands and descriptions.
sendPacket(Predicate<Player>, Object...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PacketUtils
Sends the given packet objects to all players matching the given Predicate
sendPacket(Player, Object...) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PacketUtils
Sends the given packet objects to a player
serialize() - Method in class
serialize() - Method in class
serialize() - Method in class
serialize(PersistentDataContainer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Turns a PersistentDataContainer into String
SerializedEntity - Class in
Represents a serialized entity that can be respawned later, keeping ALL NBT data
SerializedEntity(Map<String, Object>) - Constructor for class
SerializedEntity(EntityType, String) - Constructor for class
serializeToBytes() - Method in class
ServerListPingEventFactory - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal
Factory for ServerListPingEvent, which is required for versions using chat preview
ServerListPingEventFactory() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.ServerListPingEventFactory
ServerUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Server related methods
ServerUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils
ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase - Enum Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Represents the server's current life phase
set(ItemStack, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Sets a value in the holder's PDC
set(ItemStack, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Sets a value in the holder's PDC
set(NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Method in class
set(PersistentDataHolder, String, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Sets a value in the holder's PDC
set(PersistentDataHolder, NamespacedKey, PersistentDataType<T, Z>, Z) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PDCUtils
Sets a value in the holder's PDC
setAmount(int) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Sets the amount
setBlue(int) - Method in class
Sets the Blue color component value
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCancelled(boolean) - Method in class
setCanFloat(boolean) - Method in interface
Sets whether this entity can float
setCooldown(Object, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class
Sets the cooldown for this object
setCustomModelData(Integer) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Sets the item's Custom Model Data
setDebug(boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.JeffLib
Enables/disables debug mode.
setDisplayName(ItemStack, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackUtils
Applies a display name to the given item
setElement(E) - Method in class
Sets the element
setField(Class<?>, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.NMSReflUtils
setFieldValue(Class<?>, Object, String, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Sets an object's field to the given value.
setFieldValue(Object, String, Object) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ReflUtils
Sets an object's field to the given value
setFifth(E) - Method in class
setFirst(A) - Method in class
setFourth(D) - Method in class
setFullTimeWithoutTimeSkipEvent(World, long, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WorldUtils
Sets the full game time for a world without calling TimeSkipEvent
setGoalFlags(EnumSet<GoalFlag>) - Method in class
setGoalFlags(EnumSet<GoalFlag>) - Method in interface
Sets the goal flags for this goal's executor
setGreen(int) - Method in class
Sets the Green color component value
setHeadTexture(Block, GameProfile) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Sets the texture of a placed head to the skin of the given GameProfile
setHeadTexture(Block, String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Sets the texture of a placed head to the given base64 skin
setHeadTexture(Block, UUID) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Sets the texture of a placed head to the skin of the given UUID
setHeadTexture(Block, OfflinePlayer) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
Sets the texture of a placed head to the skin of the given OfflinePlayer
setLookAt(double, double, double) - Method in interface
setLookAt(double, double, double, float, float) - Method in interface
setLookAt(Entity) - Method in interface
setLookAt(Entity, float, float) - Method in interface
setLookAt(Vector) - Method in interface
setLore(String...) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Sets the item's lore
setLore(List<String>) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Sets the item's lore
setMaxStackSize(Material, int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.MaterialUtils
Sets this material's max stack size
setName(String) - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemBuilder
Sets the item's display name
setPlayerPlacedBlock(Block, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Manually sets whether a player placed this block
setRed(int) - Method in class
Sets the Red color component value
setSecond(B) - Method in class
setSpeedModifier(double) - Method in interface
Sets the entity's current speed modifier
setThird(C) - Method in class
setWantedPosition(double, double, double, double) - Method in interface
setWeight(double) - Method in class
Sets the weight of the element
shouldRecomputePath(BlockVector) - Method in interface
Only available in 1.18 and later
SHUTDOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase
SimpleLocation - Class in
Represents a Location like object.
SimpleLocation(Location) - Constructor for class
Creates a SimpleLocation from a given Location
size() - Method in class
SkullUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Skull / Player head related methods
SkullUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.SkullUtils
SlimefunUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
SlimefunUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.SlimefunUtils
slotToPosition(int) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.GUIUtils
Converts a slot number to a GUIUtils.MenuPosition
SOLID - Static variable in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.Predicates
Represents all solid blocks
sortByEntry(Map<K, V>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
Sorts a map by its values.
sortByEntry(Map<K, V>, Comparator<V>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CollectionUtils
Sorts a map by its values according to the given Comparator.
SoundData - Class in
Data class to wrap all information needed to play a sound
SoundData() - Constructor for class
SOUTH - Enum constant in enum class
SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class
SOUTH_SOUTH_EAST - Enum constant in enum class
SOUTH_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class
SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class
spawn(Location) - Method in class
Spawns the entity at the given location
SPHERE - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.RadiusType
A sphere radius, for example all blocks within a range of X*X*X blocks that are not further away from the center than the given distance
SpigotGlowEnchantment - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment
SpigotGlowEnchantment() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.glowenchantment.SpigotGlowEnchantment
SpigotListener() - Constructor for class
spliterator() - Method in class
SPRUCE - Enum constant in enum class
start() - Method in interface
Gets called when this goal gets activated
startTimings(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
Starts to record the time, using a String identifier, to be used in conjunction with TimeUtils.endTimings(String)
STARTUP - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase
StateFlag - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard
StateFlag.State - Enum Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard
stop() - Method in interface
Gets called when this goal gets deactivated
stop() - Method in interface
Makes the entity stop walking to its current target location
strafe(float, float) - Method in interface
STRAFE - Enum constant in enum class


TARGET - Enum constant in enum class
TargetSelector - Class in
Represents an entity's target selector
Tasks - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Shortcuts to schedule tasks
Tasks() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Tasks
temptGoal(Creature, Collection<Material>, double, boolean) - Static method in interface
Creates a Tempt goal, that will tempt animals using a certain set of items.
temptGoal(Creature, Stream<Material>, double, boolean) - Static method in interface
Creates a Tempt goal, that will tempt animals using a certain set of items.
testBuiltInStateFlag(Player, Location, StateFlag) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
Tested - Annotation Interface in com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations
Indicates that the annotated method has been tested in the given MC versions
testNms() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.DebugUtils.NMSTest
testStateFlag(Player, Location, StateFlag) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
testStateFlag(Player, Location, StateFlag) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
TextUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Methods related to color translation, placeholder and emoji application and more
TextUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TextUtils
tick() - Method in interface
Runs every tick this goal is active
Ticks - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Converts seconds, minutes or hours to their correseponding amount of ticks
Ticks() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.Ticks
TimeUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Time related methods, like measuring time and converting nanoseconds to milliseconds, etc.
TimeUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.TimeUtils
ToastMessage - Class in
Represents a toast message (a message that is displayed at the top right of the screen).
ToastMessage(String, Material, ToastMessage.FrameType, boolean) - Constructor for class
ToastMessage.FrameType - Enum Class in
Represents the type of announcement message that should be made
toBase64(Inventory) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
A method to serialize an inventory to Base64 string.
toBase64(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Turns an ItemStack into a Base64 String
toBytes(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Turns an ItemStack into a byte array
toColorCode() - Method in class
Converts the HexColor into color codes readable by ChatColor.translateAlternateColorCodes(char, String), using the ampersand (&) as alternate color character
toHex() - Method in class
Returns the HexColor as a String in the format rrggbb (e.g. 00ff00)
toJson(ItemStack) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ItemStackSerializer
Turns an ItemStack into a json-formatted String
toPrettyString(Location, boolean, boolean) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils
Turns a location into a human readable String, optionally including yaw/pitch and the world.
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class
toString() - Method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.LocationUtils.ChunkCoordinates
TPS - Class in
Represents the server's last TPS
TPS(double[]) - Constructor for class
trackAllBlockTypes() - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockTracker
Tracks all materials
Triplet<A,B,C> - Class in
Tuple of three values
Triplet(A, B, C) - Constructor for class


UNKNOWN - Enum constant in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase
UP - Enum constant in enum class
Represents scrolling up / to the right
update() - Method in class
update(int) - Method in class
upperCaseFirstLetter(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
Turns the first letter of a String to uppercase
upperCaseFirstLetterOnly(String) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
Turns the first letter of a String to uppercase, while making the rest lowercase


value() - Element in annotation interface com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations.NMS
The minimum version of Minecraft that this feature is supported on
value() - Element in annotation interface com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations.RequiresPlugin
value() - Element in annotation interface com.jeff_media.jefflib.internal.annotations.Tested
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.RadiusType
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils.HelpStyle
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag.State
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase
Returns the enum constant of this class with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.BlockUtils.RadiusType
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.CommandUtils.HelpStyle
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.StateFlag.State
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum class com.jeff_media.jefflib.ServerUtils.ServerLifePhase
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum class, in the order they are declared.
VariableItemStack - Class in
VariableItemStack() - Constructor for class
VectorUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
VectorUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.VectorUtils


WAIT - Enum constant in enum class
WARPED - Enum constant in enum class
WeightedElement(double, E) - Constructor for class
Creates a new WeightedElement
WeightedRandomList<E> - Class in
Represents a list of elements with weights.
WeightedRandomList() - Constructor for class
WeightedRandomList.WeightedElement - Class in
Represents an element with a weight.
WEST - Enum constant in enum class
WEST_NORTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class
WEST_SOUTH_WEST - Enum constant in enum class
whenInstalled(String, Supplier<T>, T) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.PluginUtils
WoodType - Enum Class in
WordUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
Word and language related methods, like capitalization or getting translation keys
WordUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WordUtils
WorldBoundingBox - Class in
Represents a region inside a World
WorldBoundingBox() - Constructor for class
WorldEditHandler - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
WorldEditHandler() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditHandler
WorldEditUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks
WorldEdit related methods.
WorldEditUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.WorldEditUtils
WorldGuardHandler - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard
WorldGuardHandler() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardHandler
WorldGuardUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard
WorldGuard related methods.
WorldGuardUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.pluginhooks.worldguard.WorldGuardUtils
WorldUtils - Class in com.jeff_media.jefflib
World related methods
WorldUtils() - Constructor for class com.jeff_media.jefflib.WorldUtils
write(byte[]) - Method in class
write(byte[], int, int) - Method in class
write(int) - Method in class
writeBoolean(boolean) - Method in class
writeByte(int) - Method in class
writeBytes(String) - Method in class
writeChar(int) - Method in class
writeChars(String) - Method in class
writeDouble(double) - Method in class
writeFloat(float) - Method in class
writeInt(int) - Method in class
writeLong(long) - Method in class
writeShort(int) - Method in class
writeToFile(File, Iterable<String>) - Static method in class com.jeff_media.jefflib.FileUtils
Replaces or creates a file with the given content
writeUTF(String) - Method in class
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W 
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